Monday, November 20, 2006

The longest day yet

I was fairly tired when I got to Vancouver to visit with Bronwen and Neil and I was happy to start drooling on their couch when everyone got to sleep.

The next day I spend hanging out with Neil and getting to know him a bit better. Bronwen and I have been friends for years and, although she'd known Neil longer, I hadn't met him until they started dating a couple of years prior.

The next morning I got up with only one destination in mind - back home in Calgary.

Normally I wouldn't attempt such a long day in the saddle. However, the woman I was dating had been in Europe for five weeks and I was anxious to see her again. She arrived the day I was in Vancouver.

I set off a lot later than I'd hoped. Getting everything ready to go and double checking it took more time than I expected. Then, with directions out of town from Neil, I headed out of Vancouver toward Calgary.

The majority of the trip is a blur at this point (it was a few months ago). I know it was cool and cloudy in Vancouver and then it warmed up in the interior and cooled off when I approached Alberta again. I rode straight through, stopping for fuel and snacks only.

There was one stretch where I was briskly passed by a new VW GTI. I estimated it was going about 190km/h or so in a 100km/h zone. In all honesty, that was the thing I remember most about the journey.

I arrived in Calgary in the middle of the evening, having ridden about 600 miles (1000km). I parked my bike at my girlfriend's apartment and called her, pretending I was in Vancouver still. - Until I asked her to come downstairs.

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