Monday, November 13, 2006

I think I'm going to die now...

I have never been hit with such a fury in my life. I slowed the bike down to about 60km/h and the wind was tossing me around the road and throwing the rain with all its gusto at me.

Two thoughts were running through my head. Ok, three. The first, "Just relax your grip and keep looking ahead", second, I don't want to die and third, "I'm so incredibly happy I'm not on the KLR right now."

The spray from vehicles cut my visibility down quite drastically. I tried using the little rubber blade on the thumb of my gloves to wipe my visor. It only made things worse. I kept going.

The storm lasted for about half an hour. I rolled into Kamloops about 20 minutes after that. I was cold and felt like I had been mauled by a crocodile. So I stopped for fuel and lunch.

Then looked at the map and made a phone call...

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