Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Biting the Bullet

In a previous post I mentioned that I was going to go in for laser eye surgery. Since that time I have been waiting for confirmation of a few facts from Dr. Mitchell's office. Now that I have those facts, I've decided that I will in fact have it done.

Before I waffle again and change my mind, I have the surgery booked for January 18th - Two weeks away!

I asked the patient councillor about my anxiety and how to handle it. Fortunately if I'm too freaked by the whole thing (I watched an epi-lasik surgery online once and nearly lost my lunch onto my keyboard) they have pills to fix that. I'm certainly not big on drug use - I had two shoulder surgeries with no painkillers after the initial doses - but this is a little different.

Until five years ago I had never, ever touched my eye. I decided I wanted contacts and it took more than an hour to get the first one in. Times have changed for me since then, but I still am anxious when I think about touching or messing with my eye.

I've been reassured and comforted and know it's the best thing to do for this trip and to get me out of glasses. I just hope I can chill out enough to let them do it.

More to come...


Anonymous said...

good luck with your eye stuff, thought about it too until a friend had it done and it went horribly he can't wear contacts any more and has glasses with lenses like milk bottle bottoms....good luck for your trip..

C.J. & Dylan said...

Are you aware of what procedure was done to your friend? Where did he have it done?
