Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yet another eye update

Who knew that eye surgery would continue to be so much fun?!

I was at the clinic last week for another checkup on my eyeballs.

My left eye is stable and has been for a while at -0.25. Nearly perfect. I'll take it!

My other eye, on the other hand, is swinging like a pendulum still, albiet one that's losing it's energy a bit.

Let's recap this eye...

Before surgery was +3.25
Four days after surgery -4.00
eight days after that, -1.50
two weeks after that -1.00
three weeks or so after that +0.50 back on the drops!
two weeks after that, -1.00
two weeks after that -0.50

Phew, that's about it for now. It continues to be a crazy ride but fortunately one that is slowing down. I'm on the steroid drops once every two days now and hope to come to a soft landing with this. I'm back to Dr. Mitchell's office in three weeks.

more to come...

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