Tuesday, May 08, 2007

One year to go!

I can't believe Dylan and I have been working on this trip for 17 months and now we are almost exactly one year away from it!

There is plenty more planning to come as we start to sort out the red tape of our visas and begin to book flights, tickets, etc. Right now Dylan's bike is torn down and he's been installing a ton of custom electronics and such to make life easier on the road. He ordered us new laser (lazer?) exhausts and they arrived last week - dented. Both exhausts were dented in the same place and Dylan has been having a hard time dealing with the company. They keep promising that UPS will come and pick them up from his house, but they never show up. Hopefully today they'll be on their way back to Laser and we'll get some dent-free exhausts for the V-stroms.

I was fortunate to get a tent and MSR dragonfly stove from a good friend who is moving to Chicago to take his MBA. Every little bit helps on a trip this long and this expensive!

More to come... (Dylan, take some pictures of your bike please...)

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